YouTube’s sort by oldest option has made a comeback after being taken down in 2022. This means that you no longer have to manually scroll down to see your favourite creator’s old videos. You can now rewatch the nostalgic videos of your favourite YouTubers with the click of a button! 

  • Why did YouTube remove this option?

This option was temporarily taken down as YouTube was facing some technical issues while launching other filters for content types like Shorts, and Live. This compatibility issue led to the temporary removal of some sorting options like “Oldest”. 

YouTube’s Sort by Oldest Option

  • Where can you find this option now?

When you click on any creator’s channel, you can see two options below the Videos tab: “Latest” and “Popular”. But now, you can also see the “Oldest” option which sorts the creator’s videos in chronological order, starting with the oldest videos first. By tapping on it, you will see the oldest videos of the creator at the top.

YouTube’s Sort by Oldest Option

This option saves some valuable scrolling time and also helps viewers navigate through a creator’s videos. 

  • How can you use this option to your benefit?

Older videos have sentimental value for long-time viewers. You can use this nostalgia to rekindle interest in old videos and encourage viewers to engage with some old hidden gems!

You can reignite old traditions with your viewers, whether it’s reviving an old fandom name or a catchphrase that resonated with your viewers. You can also offer a fresh take and recreate famous old videos with a modern twist!

You can also witness the progression of your channel. Both, you and your viewers can see how far you’ve come and appreciate the time and effort you’ve put in to reach where you are. Let this serve as an inspiration to keep going and creating!

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