YouTube marketing is different from Facebook and Instagram marketing. But the basics can get you covered. Make your YouTube presence a success in 2022 by following this step-by-step guide.

Get to know your audience

I’m ready to move on to the tough stuff now. Who is your target audience? What are they really looking for? You need to answer two questions in order to figure this out:

  • What is the purpose of your videos?
  • Is YouTube already a part of their daily routine?

Check out more information on 7 Ways to Interact with Your Audience on YouTube Community on

Competitor research

Finding out what your competition is doing right and doing that better is the fastest way to grow on YouTube. Identify competitors you already know by looking at their channels. Analyze your competitors in the following areas:

  • Number of subscribers
  • Video views on average
  • Amount of time spent posting
  • Quality of the video overall
  • Observations from the comments
  • They post mainly about these topics

In the beginning, you may be interested in growing your audience and subscribers. Write down how many subscribers and views your competitors have. Maintain a monthly comparison between your own progress and theirs. 

Learning from your favourite YouTube channels is just as important as learning from your competitors. Your industry does not have to be represented in these channels. In addition to learning what’s working, YouTube content is always changing, so you can always find what’s new.

Get more views by optimizing your videos

You can compare YouTube’s algorithm with SEO, but there is a major difference: personalization. The results you see on Google when searching a phrase are roughly the same as other people’s. The results vary based on location, so I say “roughly.”

The same results would appear if you searched for the same keyword with your buddy in the same room, on the same Wi-Fi.

YouTube doesn’t allow that.

Google considers several factors when showing search results on YouTube: the popularity of the video, the title, etc. The video you watch on YouTube is also influenced by your watch history. YouTube homepages and search results will differ between users, so no two will be the same. YouTube SEO plays a role in getting your videos found, but it’s also important to do all those other things.

Check out our the Ultimate Guide To YouTube SEO.

Video uploads and scheduling

The video can either be published immediately or scheduled for publishing later by uploading it directly into YouTube Studio. Here are a few tips for scheduling:

What is the frequency of your posts? Make a schedule for yourself – every day, every week, every biweekly, every monthly. Consider when your audience is most likely to be online. Can you predict when your content will be viewed most frequently?

Advertise on YouTube

Does your business not grow fast enough? You might want to try YouTube ads.

Video ads are the most common YouTube ads, but banner ads can also be placed in videos or on websites. Video ads can also be either skippable or unskippable after 5 seconds. In addition to YouTube ads, Google Ads is used by YouTube ads as it is a Google company. In our guide to Google Ads, we detail the strategy for running successful ads.

Before experimenting with paid ads, ensure you have:

  • Knowing your audience like the back of your hand.
  • Improved the visual branding and description of your YouTube channel.

Adapt based on analysis

YouTube analytics should be tracked at least once a month, as with all marketing. View your audience’s viewing habits, favourite content, and where your traffic comes from with YouTube’s built-in reports.

Your channel growth can also be tracked using analytics. Keep track of the following numbers every month

  • Number of subscribers
  • Videos viewed
  • Amount of time spent viewing
  • Videos that are most popular
  • Duration of watching
  • Amount of impressions
  • Check your click-through rate (CTR)

Now that you have the basics covered in YouTube marketing, it’s time to implement the best strategies and achieve more success for your brand.