In exciting and recent news, YouTube has released the Shorts camera to everyone in the U.S. and along with it, a variety of features that is sure to excite and entice content creators! The shorts camera lets you create videos right from the YouTube app. 

Let’s take a look at what these features are and how you can use the Shorts camera to take your channel to the next level. 

1.Increase from 15 to 60 seconds recording 

This new feature allows creators to record for upto 60 seconds now as opposed to the 15 seconds limit that existed previously. However, it should be noted that recording videos with music from your YouTube library will still be limited to just 15 seconds. 

2. Filters for shorts

YouTube too has introduced filters for YouTube Shorts now! You can now add a variety of filters in the recording and editing screens and also colour correct your shots. YouTube has also promised more filters and effects through the course of this coming year so there’s definitely more where this came from. 

3. Use audio from across YouTube to create shorts

This update could help you reach new audiences and gain more traction on your channels.  You can now use audio from ANY YouTube video out there and add it to your shorts! As of now, this feature is available only to a small group of people, but when it becomes accessible to all creators, the possibilities are endless. While it is already possible to use the audio from other shorts and add your own spin to it, this new feature will let you take audio from any long form YouTube video and make it your own. The shorts you create will be associated with the long form video and can do wonders in growing your channel. 

YouTube has also rolled out some features to ease the viewing experience of shorts and help it get the reach it deserves, these updates are – 

1. Notification updates

Based on creator and user feedback, the new update says that viewers will receive only personalised shorts recommendations as opposed to earlier when viewers received any and all shorts recommendations. This again will help creators work and build in their niche and also save viewers from getting lost in a sea of content. 

2. Captions 

Captions make videos more accessible. Now, viewers may enable automatic or manual captions from the playback option for YouTube shorts. However, this option only works if this option is available. YouTube encourages creators to add captions themselves to their shorts as computer generated captions are not always accurate. 

3. Shorts tab 

YouTube is helping creators get the recognition they deserve by introducing a Shorts tab in the bottom row of the mobile app. Now, viewers can discover new shorts with ease. In addition to this, YouTube has also added an ‘explore’ button for viewers to look up trending topics and find creators they might have never heard of before. 

With updates and features like this, becoming a content creator on YouTube just became a whole lot more exciting! The possibilities and reach is massive. If you can find the right way to make use of these updates, there’s really nothing stopping you from getting the attention you deserve! 

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