Switching between the YouTube Studio and channel page to have an update on the posts and metrics, is it gradually off-tracking you from the aim? Do the efforts required to have the simplest insights via Studio seem too much? We understand you have no option other than to endure because it is just as it is.
But, the clouds of such distant access to information are cleared. Turning the frown into a smile, YouTube will revamp the channel page with efficient data analytics, categorisation and channel appearance for its creators. The basic YouTube channel management tools will be accessible at your fingertips. Aiding to get quick updates of key details on the go, the new tools will ease planning the growth strategy. Wondering how to leverage the new changes? We, too, are eager to tell.

How Can the Channel Management Feature Help YouTubers?

The channel management is a key aspect for numerous purposes, such as:

  • Enhancing the visibility
  • Planning the content
  • Gaining engagements
  • Getting popular
  • Reaching targets
  • Improving business strategies
  • Profit optimization and much more.

Hence, effective management needs creators to rely on YouTube channel management tools. With the current availability of tools for YouTube creators in Studio, a quick glance at important information on the main app can be a game-changer.
Apart from being updated, creators can benefit from easy navigation across the organized content and filter the same based on the parameter of relevance. The insight on growth statistics after signing up to promote YouTube music videos will also be easy to access with detailed information. Based on those, creators can judge the in-demand content, topics and other aspects to plan well.

Key New Insights and Features of Channel Management by YouTube

Boasting so many benefits, let’s have a look at exactly which update we are talking about:

Display Appearance

This YouTube channel management tools update will be specific to individuals who are embarking now on their journey to develop an identity. It will include a gradual introduction to content categories rather than bombarding the users with all the available types. Hence, when users create a channel, they will get a blank page with ID information.

Picture 1- New channel with key information and Picture 2- Channel with tabs according to the posted content
Picture 1- New channel with key information and Picture 2- Channel with tabs according to the posted content

Now, as the creator develops different types of content, the tabs will appear automatically. Further, with the increase in the content of each type, the creators get to sort the same based on two categories: Latest and Popular. This will allow simplification of the channel, visually appealing organization and seamless management facility.

Improved Video Display and Management

Another important update in YouTube tools for creators will encompass ease of handling and managing videos. Here, the creators can access their videos based on parameters like public, private, scheduled, unlisted, memberships and drafts. It will also include video-related information, including restrictions and failed uploads.
The feature will help them organise and prioritise the uploaded content. Further, quick access to scheduled videos and other details will offer a comprehensive tracking option. Adding to these features, YouTube will also allow users to check the public-facing subscriber list through their channel page. So, no more YouTube Studio visits for at least these handy tasks.

Categorization of videos for creators
Categorization of videos for creators

Data Stories

This one is the most important analytics-based update. The YouTube channel management tools will have ‘Data Stories’ as well. Expect here all the key analytics specific to your channel. It will include weekly insights into essential metrics such as views, engagement trends, watch time, audience growth with a specific percentage of new and old viewers, mode of finding the channel and much more. Utilize the information to adjust the content strategy on the go and evaluate the need to get help from the YouTube Video Promotion Platform.

Data Stories for creators
Data Stories for creators

Benefits of These Updates

The handy YouTube creator tools will benefit both new and experienced content developers by simplifying the organisation of available content. Be it the promotion YouTube gaming video or getting a step ahead of your competitors, the channel page will be your tracker with effective content organisation and scheduling capabilities. The insights, at a glance, will pace up the decision-making process for whatever strategy you think of. So, get ready to skyrocket your channel growth now by leveraging the available options.


Youtube channel management tools will soon be available in the main app. The effective categorisation of videos, ease of tracking the content and insights into analytics will enhance the planning and strategising of the channel growth. Note that this information will remain accessible on Studio as well. Assisting both new and experienced creators, the features will help to identify the content’s popularity, engagement and much more.
Apart from this, the auto-dubbing feature will expand to more creators, allowing them to enhance their reach across the globe. The translated audio for videos of such creators will be automatically dubbed (with the option to change settings) based on the viewers’ preferred language. So, break the barriers of engagement and reach and get on to the plan to reach millions of subscribers.