The best quality about YouTube is that anyone and everyone can show their creativity on this platform. While on the face of it, it may seem ideal, it also gives rise to the need for laying out guidelines. Every YouTuber must follow these guidelines in order to avoid any repercussions that may harm their channel.

While YouTube has an elaborate and detailed set of community guidelines, there are 5 main categories namely misinformation, sensitive content, regulated goods, violent or dangerous content and spam and deceptive practices.

If you have violated these community guidelines the first time, YouTube will let you off with a warning. You will only receive one warning and this warning will remain on your channel. 

Upon a second violation, you get your first strike which will remain on your channel for 90 days. Furthermore you will be unable to carry out certain activities for 1 week including uploading videos, live streams, or stories, creating custom thumbnails and so on. 

Your third strike will get you the second strike which will also remain on your channel for 90 days. You will not be allowed to post any content for 2 weeks. 

Lastly, if you violate the guidelines for the fourth time in the same 90 day period, you will get your third and final strike. Subsequently, this will result in the deletion of your channel. 

The best way to avoid getting these strikes is to well verse yourself with all the guidelines. 

Learn more about the community guidelines through this video.

You must also double check all your videos before uploading and ensure that no guidelines are being violated. 

Keep in mind that deleting the content that has violated the YouTube policy will not change anything. Therefore it is essential to be careful.
