YouTube is known for churning out viral content, turning gamers, artists and vloggers to influencers overnight. When combined with its popularity among a broad range of audiences, YouTube has become an essential social channel for every influencer.  With engaged viewers in large numbers and passionate subscribers hungry for video content, YouTube influencers already have a large social reach, that one can utilize to grow their channel further

As trendsetters, YouTube influencers are admired by younger people and are more relatable to their followers than celebrities. According to a survey by Variety, 63% of Millennials said that they would try a product or brand recommended by a YouTube influencer compared to 49% for traditional celebrities. The success of influencers collaborations have been prevalent, still finding the right influencers remains a tough challenge—what kinda YouTube influencer should you collaborate with? We present a mini-guide on tips and tricks to find the right YouTube influencers for your channel: 


Who is your target audience? 


Find your target audience and understanding them and their likes. Research who talks about your channel online, what they say and where they say it? Also, dig deep and find out the influencers they follow.


Look for influencers within your vertical


Look for influencers who may be talking about your YouTube channel across social media platforms. It will be easier to have potential influencer partnerships with someone who is already aware of your industry or better yet an evangelist of it.


Know the influencer tiers 


When someone says influencers, everyone tends to think about someone with millions of followers. While that’s true, there are a lot of niche-industry influencers who don’t have high reach but instead have high video completion and engagement rates.  Find the right influencer for your video by looking into different tiers of YouTube influencers: elite, macro, mid-tier, macro, and nano.


YouTube’s Search & Discovery

YouTube’s search engine made up of many complex algorithms based on indefinable variables and factors. To search for the right influencer on YouTube, use specific keywords defining your channel, audience, or industry in order to return the most accurate results.

Another way to find influencers who are making a small but powerful impact on their audience but don’t appear at the top of YouTube’s search is through hashtags. Use hashtags in YouTube’s search bar to find the video influencers that are trending in your space or relevant to your channel or have something to say about your vertical.


Previously sponsored content

Search hashtags like ‘#ad’, ‘#advertising’, #’sp’ ‘#sponsored’, to find sponsored content from influencers, or look through influencers videos to find sponsored content. Influencers who already endorsed channels on YouTube will be more willing to promote more videos.


Multi-channel networks

There are a lot of multi-channel networks representing YouTube influencers from across the world. Connecting with multi-channel networks opens up doors to access many influencer collaborations and provides unique partnership opportunities for content creators.

Work with influencer marketing platforms or agencies 

There are platforms specifically built for influencer marketing that brings content creators and influencers together to form relationships. With high budget video campaigns, the best way to get the most out of influencer collaboration is to hire an influencer marketing agency that works with an array of top-level influencers.


Interested in getting your YouTube channel seen by a huge audience the right way? Get started here:
