One of the best ways to get close to your viewers and gain more subscribers is by interacting with them. Yet, many YouTubers ignore fan comments and leave them unanswered. If you’re looking to connect with your viewers and build a strong fanbase, you must make time and reply to as many comments as possible. Here are 4 unique ways to respond to comments and get new subscribers addicted to your content.

1. Turn haters into followers

The internet is filled with anonymous people who could leave nasty comments on your videos. Though you might feel like deleting their hateful comments or throw a rebuttal, fight the urge to retaliate or delete the comments. Instead, reply to the comment politely and try getting to the root cause of the comment. You might even turn a hater into a loyal follower by simply responding with a genuine comment. This transparency leaves no room for misunderstandings, and your audience will look up to your positivity. 

For example, if a person comments “Your video is boring, it doesn’t help me in any way,” you could reply saying “I would love to improve my video, please do suggest how I can help, and I’ll do my best for you”. 

2. Demonstrate thought-leadership

When you’re replying to comments, assume an authoritative tone of voice and position yourself as a go-to teacher that people can freely approach for advice on a given topic. People can sense when you’re genuinely passionate about what you do and will learn to trust you. This trust will slowly build over time and people will turn to you for inspiration. 

Make sure you also comment on other YouTuber’s videos and provide value to viewers. For example, drop a comment on your favourite beauty blogger’s video saying “This is an amazing way to make organic lipstick. These ingredients include real aloe vera chunks that do a fantastic job of keeping lips luscious and hydrated. Great job!”

3. Be conversational

You don’t want to sound formal or strict when you’re conversing with your fans. You must sound friendly and approachable. The most successful YouTubers are humble, down-to-earth and talk to their fans as if they were best friends with them. 

For example, rather than saying “Please check out my last video on funny cats,” you could say “If you’re a cat person, you must totally check out my last video on funny cats. You are going to fall in love!”

4. Get witty

A great way to hook viewers is to find humorous or witty ways to respond to their comments. Or take it up a notch and substitute words with emojis or gifs. For example, if a viewer comments “What’s your next video going to be on?”, you can reply with a mysterious emoji combo to give them clues about your video: ????‍♂️+????=❓. Many people will interact with your videos just out of curiosity to know what emojis or gifs you will surprise them with.

As you engage more with your audience, you’ll soon develop an unbreakable bond with them and have a strong community thriving with positivity. Your attractive personality will draw in more subscribers by the day!

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