Once your YouTube channel is up and running, there might come a time when your channel growth becomes stagnant, no matter how good your videos are and how consistently you upload. To widen your audience, you might want to run organic ads on YouTube as well as other platforms such as Instagram, Facebook or on websites or blogs that cater to your niche.

A good ad should be entertaining, informative, and raise the viewers’ curiosity. When a viewer comes across your ad, they should have a reason to click on it and go to your channel or video. Here are a few tips to create stunning and creative ads to promote your YouTube channel.

1. Keep It Simple

A good ad says a lot by saying a little. Confused? Look at the ads by Apple. They are minimal and sleek, yet give the viewer insight into the products. If your video ads are too long, or your image ads have too much going on in them, the chances are that viewers might just ignore them.

2. Appeal To Your Niche

Create ads for the kind of viewers you want to attract by understanding your target audience. For example, if your channel is about DIY projects, try creating short ads with a quick tutorial. Not only does this act as a little preview of your channel, but you also get to showcase your potential, giving the viewer a reason to head to your channel. This also brings in a niche audience that is more likely to subscribe to you.

3. Use Vibrant, Eye-catching Graphics

When it comes to ads, people do tend to judge a book by its cover. By using vibrant and eye-catching colours and graphics in your ad, you can ensure that the ad does not go unnoticed. Tools like Canva and PicMonkey have a lot of graphics and templates that you can use to create some amazing designs for your ads.

4. Hop Onto The Latest Trend

For platforms like Instagram and TikTok, you can truly benefit from creating TikTok videos or Instagram Reels. You might notice many trends on these platforms, so look out for trends that might appeal to you and create videos on them. TikTok videos and Reels with already trending audios or effects are promoted more by the platform, so while these are just content that you are creating on various social media, they do act as ‘ads’ that promote your channel.

With ads, what works for one might not work for another. Try different strategies and keep an eye on the ROI to see what’s working for you.

Interested in getting your YouTube channel seen by a huge audience? Get started here: www.flintzy.com

