Understanding YouTube Views & How It Works

To View or Not to View? — Overriding this dilemma of a YouTube scrolling pair of eyes is every successful creator’s main goal.

A view is counted each time someone sees a video play and watches it for at least 30 seconds. To know how many times a video has been watched on the YouTube platform, we check out the number of YouTube views.

YouTube views have their horcruxes (life-force) spread across:

  • Ranking based on search results
  • Popularity
  • Impact of monetization through ads

The first 30 seconds have the make-or-break performance potential.

If it succeeds in putting its ‘hook’ onto your curiosity — half the job is done. The other half depends on ‘Real Engagement,’ where people are getting entertained and educated through it. (Aristotle characterized these two as the building blocks of any artistic creation).

More organic views on a YouTube video mean, GOOD NEWS:

  • Higher visibility: More ‘real’ people will watch, thus more organic views. It keeps gaining relevance and contemporaneity.
  • Fame = More Recognition and Intrinsic Goodwill: This is exactly how to boost your YouTube views sustainably.
  • Greater monetary potential: Business is synonymous with PROFIT and REVENUE. With potent video production, income becomes as organic as its audience.
  • Money = Growth: This is how to grow your YouTube channel, monetarily.

YouTube is Smart, Very Smart — Here’s Why

If you headlessly ponder on how to get more views on YouTube, the strategy you’ll come up with will have neither means nor ends.

  • YouTube takes into consideration the ‘watch time’ when they are counting views on a video. Watch time is the total amount of time viewers spend watching a video.
  • It prefers videos that have higher watch times and pushes them higher in search rankings and suggestions.
  • Certain elements help YouTube to understand what a video is about and determine its relevance to target audiences.
  • YouTube algorithm begins to analyze, when a person uploads a video, based on the parts of the whole — title, tags, description, and thumbnail.
  • A synergy between the above key factors ensures a well-optimized feed that the most popular YouTube niches pages put to use.

Why do you need Views on Youtube?

You know where the real deal is?
The real work begins when people start watching your video —yes, Real People; not botviewers.
YouTube monitors viewers’ interaction with the uploaded content. Key indicators that boost a video is rooted in two words INTENT and UTILITY.

YT makes sure real viewers are –

  • Watching it till the end
  • Sharing it
  • Liking it
  • Commenting on it.

These interactions are prompts to YouTube that your content is engaging and worth suggesting to a broader audience.

LIKE ATTRACTS LIKE (quite literally) — The data predicted out of the viewing pattern is then fed to the algorithm for a future customised experience.

As the engagement increases, the video is featured on the platform’s suggestion sections or even trending lists, which increases the view count. High engagement rates create a sense of community around the channel, bringing in repeat viewers and subscriber growth, leading to more consistent viewership.

*Click! Click!* is the modern ‘Knock-Knock!’

Viewer retention highly matters along with click rates. Do not fall into the cult of being an expert at your inception as a creator. Produce generalist content that attracts a spectrum of viewers’ from — the alpha to the omega.
Data (Youtube Analytics) is your bestfriend. Study the multidimensionality of your video by measuring the organic reception in the free and fair internet media-space of Youtube.
Eg. If you post videos of carpentry and get viewers seeking for DIY assembly projects; do not completely change your identity to fit a group’s need. You can add a weekly segment for DIY woodwork home decor videos.
Niche down, but never fit in. Be as perfect as icing on a cake which everyone fears to touch, lest they ruin it; yet it REMAINS IRRESISTABLE.

The Magic Of Long-Form Content

Retention is the trick of the trade

Posting longer videos is how to grow your youtube channel. They fetch more views and are better for getting more reach.

*Are’nt we all having monkey brains nowadays? How can one sit through a LONG VIDEO having a short attention span? Don’t they feel like classroom lectures? — many such questions might rationally come to your mind.

Here lies the best part of the trick —

Youtube Video Chapters! (It’s as cool as gravity or… even the archimedes principle)

A long form content (mostly informational or events) can be broken down into several parts with a start and end timestamp and relevently named. It is easier to refer to a particular topic amidst the crowd of other topics in a conversation.

Suppose, while searching for the benefits of intermittent fasting, in a long health and nutrition podcast which also talks about Vegan diet, OMAD, walking, HIIT, and what not — one can simply click on the relevant timestamp and cut the fluff.

To enhance further retention — (yes the magic isn’t over yet) make all the chapter topics on your video interlinked, and use verbal cross references.

So that if someone is leaving just after watching a diet plan, they should stick along and toggle ahead to see which proteins and vegetables are suited for their particular metabolic condition.
Too much nutrition-talks? Your channel’s health matters!

Well, that brings us to the most-asked question of —

How to grow a youtube channel fast?

“The fastest way is to go slow”, says every winner tortoise.

Whilst researching on how to gain more views on youtube, also keep in mind the Youtube policies to abide by. This ensures that views are real and reflect genuine user interest.

Sustainable Growth > Clout Chasing.

It is unadvisable to generate views through several misleading tactics. The channel can get strikes, copyright infringement and also get banned — which can lead to penalties.

If YouTube monitors any misleading activity, it may remove the views, take down the video, or even suspend that YouTube channel.

Here are 10 Tips to get more views on Youtube

How to get more views on youtube? There’s just one rule, that there are no limiting approaches. Experimentation is how to grow your youtube channel.

These following tips will help you think in a further individualised manner —

1. Putting interesting thumbnails

‘First Impression is the Last Impression’ — isn’t it?

As a content creator, focus on your thumbnail being the Absolute Banger! (don’t clickbait though).

This graphic is the most crucial one as it has the piller elements in it —

  1. Apply the rule of the thirds for picture formatting in your 1280 × 720 pixels thumbnail graphic.
  2. Add emotional moments’ facial/bodily expressions.
  3. Use readable boldened fonts.
  4. Use color theory to apply contrasts and layerings.
  5. High Resolution exporting.
  6. No awkwardly left out spaces. Balance the whole 16:9 with elements.

It is crucial to ensure the thumbnail is relevant to the video to avoid misleading your audience, which may potentially reduce watch time and get negative feedback.

Cater or create intent, and make it palettable enough with a thumbnail for them to click in and devour. Grabing your viewer’s attention with curiousity in such a highly competitive platform is definitely how to gain views on youtube.

A good thumbnail can significantly increase your YouTube reach, and is definitely the first best way how nto get more views on youtube.

2. Formulate innovative and appealing video titles

“Brevity is the soul of wit” — it definitely is the soul of click-rate.

“Don’t Be A Pitch” by Vireo Films
“Just The Cream” by BriefMe
“Portrait of God” by Dylan Clark
“I Am Normal” by Omletto

These are some offbeat three-worder video names for equally unhinged and retention-worthy content within.

  • When a content creator creates a video, their first goal is to reach their target audience. Thus, some descriptive content alongside the brief-crux is needed for Technical Seo and Google Indexing.
  • For better reach, use relevant keywords or vocabulary that the target audience is likely to search for.
  • Use emotion provoking and exclamatory words like – ‘stunning!’, ‘heartbreaking!’, ‘for real!!?’, ‘hilarous’, ‘must-see’, and CTAs like ‘Urgent’ or ‘Breaking News’etc.
  • Focus on forming video titles that are relevant, and appealing to appear on top of search engine.
  • With proper optimization of the video titles, the video gets better reach to a broader audience, ultimately leading to more views.

3. Interacting with audience in the comment section

“… One way Ticket to the Blue…” (No, Youtube isn’t definitely one-way)
Engagement with the audience by regular interaction is how how to grow a youtube channel fast. It shows humbleness, reciprocation and humanness.

  • Regularly interacting with the audience signals YouTube’s algorithm that the video is engaging, leading to higher rankings and more views.
  • Content creators should consider interacting with their viewers as an essential part of their content creation journey.
  • This interaction creates a sense of community.
  • Responding to comments, arranging live sessions, asking questions and acknowledging viewers’ input to create a positive experience.
  • Building a loyal community through engagement is essential for long term success at YouTube.

4. Creating Playlists

Playlists are like classrooms in an university full of scholars. Departmentalisation is the core of channel management. A well-managed, clean and uniformly paletted channel is how to grow your youtube channel.

  • Playlists help the audience to easily reach multiple related videos without much search trouble.
  • Organizing the content into playlists, will keep the viewers engaged for longer periods.
  • When a content creator arranges their videos systematically according to theme, series, or topic to get a better viewing experience encouraging binge watching.
  • A logical system of arranging videos increases the likelihood of viewers visiting that channel, resulting in higher watch time and higher views.

5. Collaborating with other Youtubers

Youtube is a joint family. Your channel volume determines your role in the family — are you the big brother like Mr. Beast? Well, he started as an infant too.
Having good relations with the platform community is how to get youtube subscribers.

  • Collaborations enables one content creator to tap into another creator’s subscriber base, increasing views and bringing in new subscribers.
  • Collaborating with other content creators exposes the channel to a new range of audience.
  • A successful collaboration can create a win-win situation, as you come to the eyes of their sponsors as well.

Nail your S right!
S stands for 3 words — subscribers, sponsors and success

6. Promoting videos on social media

Gary Vee says to post like crazy on social media, as it is FREE PROMOTION.

Anyone with adequate persuasion and influence can create a cult-like following, for real,

  • Content creators use social media to get more reach and views.
  • Posting the content on sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn.
  • Consistent promotion and engagement through social media brings in significant traffic to the videos, increasing views and subscribers.
  • Putting engaging captions, giving trending hashtags, and appealing visuals can attract more viewers.

7. Being consistent and focusing on quality content

If ‘how can i get more views on youtube?’ is the Lock; Consistency is the Key.

Keep this checklist handy —

Tip Description
Ensure High-Quality Content Ensure the videos are well-edited, informative, and engaging, as viewers prefer channels that consistently deliver great content.
Consistency in Content Production Producing high-quality, valuable content consistently is key to building and retaining an audience.
Reminder for Consistency Consistency helps in retaining viewers and also signals to YouTube’s algorithm that the channel is active, resulting in more exposure and views over time.
Regular Posting Schedule Follow a regular posting schedule to keep the audience engaged.

8. Encouraging viewers to subscribe and share

Keep reminding the family of oneness within the clan you’re creating. Have insider jokes, etc – make them feel BELONGED.

Building a strong subscriber base is how to grow your youtube channel sustainably.

Blend the CTA of subscribing within your content, so that it enters quite organically in the working memory of your viewer. Creating a separate section like, saying at the very end “if you loved this video, like, share, subscribe and comment down…” is basically ‘bla bla bla’ in most viewer’s head — because their info-thirst has already been quenched. Be crafty, be cool!

  1. First, analyze the viewing pattern of your audience. There’s a graph for peak viewing at certain timestamps in your average videos.
  2. Place your CTAs and sponsorship messages around those timeframes.
  3. Build up your narrative and learn the art of Ad Placements.

9. Optimizing video description and tags

Optimising is basically the cement to every element that you’ve individually perfected.

Here’s how you can hit the sweet spot of SERP and FYP like a boss!

  1. To optimise the video description, include a brief summary of the video, relevant keywords, and links to related content or playlists.
  2. Formulating appealing and transparent video descriptions and using relevant tags prompts YouTube’s algorithm to understand the content better.
  3. Properly tagged videos are more likely to appear in search results and suggested videos, increasing video reach.
  4. Effective use of descriptions and tags can significantly boost the video’s visibility, leading to more views.

10. Analysing video Performance with YouTube analytics

Any form of creation — art or otherwise, has a childhood of its own. Nurture your creations like your children. Amen!

Here’s how to boost youtube views by constantly tending the garden you’re making.
(Spoiler, you’ve to be more of a geek, than a gardener).

Irrespective of the metaphor, you’re creation will always root for you, if tended well.

  1. Regularly review the YouTube Analytics to understand what’s working and what’s not.
  2. By understanding the viewers’ preferences and behaviors, content creators can make informed decisions leading to more engagement and more views.
  3. Pay attention to metrics like watch time, click-through rate, and audience retention to identify areas for improvement. Use this data to improve the content strategy, focusing on what resonates most with your audience.


Growing YouTube views requires a strategic approach and a commitment to quality and consistency.
By implementing these above ten tips, content creators can increase the channel’s visibility, attract more viewers, and build a loyal audience.

Keep yourself grounded throughout, as success on YouTube doesn’t happen overnight; it’s the result of persistent effort and continual learning. It is essential to improve the approach, stay engaged with your audience, and most importantly, focus on delivering value with every video you create.