The best way to directly reach your target listeners and promote your music is through DJs. Getting popular DJs to remix and play your music is great for exposure.

Here’s how your music career can benefit from DJs.

Moreover, DJs can save you the effort of trying to reach out to your audience.

Let’s discuss how you can get DJs to play your music.


  • Look for places that are most crowded

Naturally, clubs and discos that are most crowded will help you make your music reach a wider audience. Get in touch with DJs that play at places like these.


  • Write emails directly to DJs with a personal touch

DJs get hundreds of emails from many musicians, asking them to play their music. Some artists even spam them with countless emails, which needless to say may get troublesome.

Try to write a personalised email by briefly introducing yourself, talking about how much you admire that DJ’s work and so on. This gives your email a personal touch, making it stand out to some extent.


  • Research the DJ before sending your music

Different DJs primarily play music of different kinds of genres. Sending metal music to a jazz DJ wastes your time and thiers. Therefore, research the DJ before sending your music to them.


  • Make it easier for them to access your music

Instead of sending them a 25MB file, upload your music on Google drive, SoundCloud or DropBox. This saves them the trouble of downloading your audio separately.

Getting a DJ to play your music is great for promotion especially for aspiring and emerging artists. Follow the above tips to reach out to DJs.


Learn more about how you can get DJs to play your music.

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