It is important for YouTubers to stay up to speed with all the copyright laws laid out by YouTube to avoid an uphill legal battle. Therefore, it is important for all YouTubers to know how to claim copyright on their video.

There is no specific procedure for copyrighting your video on YouTube. If you created it yourself and posted it on your channel, you automatically become the copyright holder of that video.

In the event of a copyright violation i.e. some other creator posts your content without your approval, as a copyright holder, you have 2 options. You can either file a takedown request or you can file a Content ID claim.

Submitting a takedown request means that you, as the copyright holder, want your original content removed from the creator’s channel who posted it without your approval.

After you submit a takedown request:-

  • The creator can either comply with the takedown order or dispute it.
  • If they comply, your video is taken down from their channel and they receive a copyright strike.
  • Subsequently, they must complete copyright school to prove that they have fully comprehended the laws of copyright.
  • If a creator gets 3 strikes, their channel is taken down, and furthermore they are prohibited from creating a channel again.

You can submit a takedown request through this form.

Alternatively, the copyright holder can file a Content ID claim which is less serious than a takedown request.

  • Content ID is a system wherein the copyright owner’s videos are compared with the videos on the database to see if they’re a match.
  • When a match is found, the copyright holder files a Content ID claim.
  • The video is not taken down, instead, it is monetised. Advertisements are placed in the video and the revenue earned goes to the copyright holder.

Further understand the difference between takedown request and Content ID claim through this detailed explanation.

Being in the digital media industry, creators must always make sure that they are not violating any copyright regulations. Having a video taken down due to copyright issues can act as an impediment to your channel’s growth.

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