Going to Vidcon as a featured creator is every creator’s dream. Vidcon is the largest online video convention for creators. Here, creators meet and network with their fans, other creators, business people and brands. 

To become a featured creator at Vidcon, you must be invited. Listed below are some of the criteria to be invited.


  • Popularity among viewers

What impact does your content have? How far is its reach? 

Featured creators are invited because of the impact they have on the audience.

Your subscriber count doesn’t have to be in millions to be a featured creator. However, you need to have enough to be discovered and recognized.

The number of subscribers is the number of people you connect with. Vidcon is a place to connect with not only other creators but also your audience. If you have a good connection with your fans, this is your chance to be invited.


  • Your content

What makes you stand out? What makes you discoverable?

Having creative content is always easy to discover as it stands out. In a field of regular, unique is more eye-catching. If your content is unique, approved, appreciated, by many, you may be eligible for an invitation.


  • Your online presence

Your videos should be discoverable. By posting regularly, you can raise awareness about your content, make it memorable and easy to find and recognize.

Regular online presence helps recognize your channel. If your videos have gone viral or trending, they may pop up and give you a chance. 


  • Your ability to mentor aspiring creators

Vidcon panels, workshops and discussions encourage people to take a closer look at your work and perhaps even imitate it. By demonstrating and sharing your knowledge, you promote your work further.  

The aim is to teach, support, and inspire fans and up-and-coming artists. For this, you need to mentor aspiring creators by sharing your challenges and giving tips to overcome them.


Going to Vidcon is a wonderful opportunity to connect and collaborate with other brands and creators. It’s also a place to motivate, inspire and learn not only from creators but also from fans. 

To be a featured creator, you should have good relationships with other creators. The ability to connect with people in a professional industry on a personal level is undeniably appealing.

Interested in getting your YouTube channel seen by your relevant audience? Get started here: www.flintzy.com

