When you’re first starting out your career as a YouTube creator, it’s easy to make a few mistakes down the lane. To save you from the setback, we’ve laid down the 6 most common mistakes YouTubers make. Make sure you read this post to know whether you’re making any of these mistakes. If you are, we’ll show you how to fix these glitches fast. 

1. Spamming other YouTuber’s comment section

Many creators leave spammy-looking comments like “sub-for-sub”, “like-for-like”, “go check out my YouTube channel”, “please subscribe to my YouTube channel” or other redundant sentences. 

Quick fix: People are not going to check out your videos unless they find you interesting. Take the time to watch a YouTuber’s entire video and leave genuine comments that add value.

2. Inserting long video titles

If your video title is too long, the entire heading might not show up on search engine results. The sentence gets snipped off after a point. 

Quick fix: Your video titles must be as short as possible. Keep it crisp and concise upto 5-10 words. Minimise conjunctions, only use your main keywords. 

3. Talking too much about yourself

People will not want to listen to who you are, what you like and what you do unless you are already an established YouTuber with a large fan base. People clicked on your video to know about the topic you are discussing, and not to hear you talk about yourself. 

Quick fix: Don’t dilly-dally and talk about yourself when you need to be talking about the main topic you want to convey in your video. Just make a short 5-10 second introduction about yourself and cut to the chase. 

4. Trying to monetize early in your video

Placing advertisements too early in the video, especially in the first 30 seconds, is a big no no. This will make people drop out of your videos soon. The first 30 seconds of your video should be dedicated to your hook – the punch that draws viewers to your videos. 

Quick fix: Ideally, you should place your advertisements towards the end of your video as you wrapping things up. Or strategically position your product placement after you introduce your hook and manage to reel viewers in.

5. Publishing videos and not promoting them

Marketing your videos is as important as creating videos. If you’re flooding your channel with videos and still aren’t getting enough traction, STOP. For example, if you’ve created 20 videos and only have 1000 views collectively, you need to know when to draw the line. 

Quick fix: Start promoting each video individually. With each video you promote, your viewership should gradually increase. Proceed to create your next batch of videos only when you reach your benchmark views. 

6. Not being original

Many creators are following famous YouTubers and mimicking their content style, genre and personality traits. In the process, these creators forget their own individuality and become one among the crowd.

Quick fix: Find a clear value proposition for your YouTube channel. What makes you and your channel unique? What are you doing differently that sets you apart from the competition?


Mistakes are good. The more you fail, the faster you learn and grow. These pointers will help you fix your mistakes if you’re making any, and save you a lot of time and effort. Remember, it’s all about trial and error.

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