Did you know that YouTube Shorts receives 50 billion views every day? The Shorts feed is blowing up, especially in the entertainment niche. These quick mini-clips satisfy the audience’s need for escape and entertainment. However, creators from all genres are hopping on the quickly rising Shorts Express. Whether it is incorporating enticing snippets from your longer videos or dedicating an entire Shorts channel, here are 10 surefire ways to get more views on YouTube Shorts:

  • Quickly hook viewers in the first few seconds

Grab your audience’s attention right away. Since you have only 60 seconds to make your point, you have to jump right in without an intro. Have a captivating hook but leave some juicy info out and ask them to wait till the end for it. 

For example, for a video titled “Secrets that successful YouTubers don’t tell you,” your hook could be “Wait for the end of this video to discover our secret tip on how to get more viewers” 

This tip works even if you’re repurposing your longer content. All you have to do is record separate hooks for your Shorts. 

  • Storytelling

Make sure that you keep your promise and deliver some valuable information in the end. Even though Shorts is usually an entertainment platform, you still need to provide valuable content. 

It’s not only a matter of what you present, but also how you present. You have to shock your audience with something fresh, something that only you can provide and you have to present that information in a storytelling format. Here’s an example:

  • Gripping Titles

Your titles should evoke curiosity, emotions, and a sense of anticipation. They should also be concise and provide information that drives action. For example, “The Truth Behind Getting More Views” or “5 Proven Tips to Boost Productivity” 

Research and analyze popular Shorts in your niche. Pay attention to the titles that gain high engagement, views, and shares. Find out what resonates best with your target audience and use your creativity to leverage that in your content. 

  • Emotions

Incorporating emotions in your videos, whether long-form or Shorts content helps you build a connection with your audience. By understanding your viewers’ emotional triggers and finding out what emotions arouse their response, you can not only gain a more engaging response but also develop a deeper connection with them. 

For example, you can share an unpopular opinion that makes them angry, a humorous message that makes them double over with laughter, or create suspense that leaves them on the edge of their seats.

  • Investigate

To investigate what works for your YouTube channel, use the community tab, and analyze comments and viewer suggestions. Ask them what they find valuable, entertaining, or interesting. 

Leverage analytics to gain insights into views, watch time, and audience engagement. You can also find out popular search terms, identify the points where viewers lose interest, and decide the best time to post your Shorts for maximum viewer engagement.

  • Music 

Choose music that compliments your video’s vibe and title. Using trendy music videos can further boost the visibility and appeal of your Shorts, drawing more viewers. When viewers click on a trending music video on their phones or desktops, Shorts remixing with that music are also visible nearby, thus increasing exposure.

  • Loop viewers

Looping viewers is a technique where you create a loop within your video. Your video starts by posing a question at the end and providing the answer at the beginning. This clever strategy ensures that viewers watch the short multiple times before they even realize it.

  • Create a series

Create a Shorts series that takes viewers to your library and keeps them scrolling. This could be a story you narrate or Q&A series where you answer their queries. You can also use the Sequel strategy where you leverage your most successful video and make a part 2 (and more) to keep your story going.

  • Trending topics

Keep a close eye on what’s popular and relevant within your niche. By creating Shorts that revolve around trending topics, you can tap into the existing audience interest and increase the chances of your content being discovered.

  • Use Captions

Adding Captions or subtitles to your videos can be a game-changer as viewers don’t always have their audio on. In fact, captioned videos perform better in terms of watch time, showing an average increase of 12% in viewing duration. 

While manually adding captions can be tiresome, there are helpful tools and software available, such as AutoCap and CapCut, that simplify the caption-adding and editing process, making your job much easier!

Want to grow your channel? Start here: www.flintzy.com
