Consistency is the key to a successful YouTube channel. However, creating videos, writing scripts, setting the scene, and editing can all be exhausting and time-consuming. If you’re having trouble juggling your personal life and YouTube, it’s time to get organized. So, here are a few pointers on how to schedule your videos.


You can efficiently plan your videos with a content calendar. If you have a firm deadline with yourself, you will find it difficult to procrastinate. So, set a weekly or monthly goal in your calendar to create and upload videos. This makes it easier to stay on top of your work.


It can be exhausting to brainstorm ideas, research, write scripts, record, and edit in one go. Instead, if you focus on only one task a day, you’ll be able to get more work done. 

Batch-creating is basically focusing all of your time and energy on one task alone. For example, pick a day to only brainstorm your ideas for the coming week or month. Then another day for scripting, another for recording, another for editing, and so on. 

Batch-creating helps you stay organized and create more content. This way, you’ll be able to manage your time and content like a pro.


Pick a day to post your videos. You are free to post on any day that works best for you. Just remember to stay consistent and post regularly. 

You can also ask your viewers which days they prefer to watch your videos. You can do this by running a poll on your community page. Find out when they’re most active.  

Once you’ve determined which day works best, ask them what time of the day they’re most active. Find out if they prefer a morning, midday, evening, or late-night upload.


On your scheduling day, all you have to do is set a schedule for your videos. For example, if you’ve created your videos for the week, you can schedule them to auto-upload when you wish. You can then concentrate on creating content while YouTube takes care of video uploads.


This feature is for uploading important viewing events. It’s similar to a scheduled video, but with more fanfare. It is, however, slightly different from scheduling a normal video. 

It offers a more direct and engaging experience for publishers and their communities. Through features like chat in the comment section, along with likes and shares, you’re able to establish relationships and build a powerful brand.

With this strategy, you can manage your YouTube game like a pro. Scheduling your videos will help you in maintaining a consistent YouTube presence and boost your visibility. 

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