Rituals are a set of repeated activities you can use to build brand recognition on your YouTube channel. These rituals can be certain hand movements, special lingo, specific behaviour patterns that people can associate with your personality and YouTube channel. Your audience will look forward to these unique signs and some may even try to replicate them. These rituals are invaluable in helping you form a special bond with your audience and leave a lasting impression even off the screens.

1. Use unique body movements to greet your audience

Body language speaks louder than verbal cues. Create a unique pattern of movements, like a hand gesture, wink or funny wave.

2. Make up a catchy tagline 

Invent a catchy slogan, little rhyme or tagline that sums up what your channel is about. You can use this when you’re opening and signing out. 

3. Create a special lingo that links to your personality

Invent new words that nobody else uses, develop a mysterious accent, or invent a whole new set of catchphrases that show off your vibrant personality. 


4. Give your fans a common name

Come up with a cool name for people who follow you. For example, names like Team Unicorn or Wow Girls, can help your fans feel like they belong to a like-minded community. 

5. Send secret signals

Find ways to make people feel like they’re insiders and they have exclusive access to your club. Make up secret signals like special door knocking patterns or unique whistles.

All you have to do is be consistent with your rituals and who knows, you may garner a whole community of followers mirroring your rituals across the globe! 

Interested in getting your YouTube channel seen by a huge audience? Get started here: www.flintzy.com